18 Gift Ideas from the Iron Physical Therapy Staff

Every year, each member of our team showcases something they love to help you find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. We hope you enjoy our 2021 gift guide! ❤️

Gifts From LuluLemon

As an ambassador of lululemon, Dr. Mayes has had the privilege of test driving a lot of their amazing gear. So, to impress any of the guys on your list this year, here are some of his favorites:

Gifts To Wear

If you know the staff of Iron PT, you know they’re not just known for their medical excellence but also for their impeccable style. Here are some of their picks:

Gifts For Around The House

We’ve spent more time than ever at home during the last couple of years. Here are some things our staff loves to make that time even more enjoyable:

Gifts For The Winter

Gifts From The Heart

It wouldn’t be an Iron PT Gift Guide if we didn’t have something that brings us closer together. Here is Meri’s pick to do just that:


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