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Cross-Training During Injury Recovery
After physical therapy, this runner’s mantra went from “Eat, Sleep, Run” to “Eat, Sleep, Run, Bike, Lift, and Give Yourself Some Rest Days.” Physical therapy is what keeps her a strong & healthy athlete, more than what keeps her running. Read more about our spunky Patient of the Month’s recovery here:
Montclair Bread Owner Makes Full Recovery After Major Bike Accident
After a major bike accident sidelined this triathlete, our Patient of the Month Rachel (and beloved owner of Montclair Bread Company) was one of the hardest working, most dedicated patients we’ve ever seen. True to form, she blew all expectations out of the water and her surgeon recently said she was a full 6-12 months ahead of where all the science and his experience said she should be. Read more about Rachel’s unbelievable recovery here!