Is CrossFit Worth It? - A Physical Therapist's Journey Into The Box
I've been going to CrossFit for 8 weeks and love it! I had been intrigued for some time about entering the "Box" and finally decided to start CrossFit on my 35th birthday. I've been a cardio guy (running, biking, soccer) forever but have always kept up with strength training for overall fitness.
Well, I thought I was relatively fit until I entered the world of CrossFit, and I've been humbled during each and every work out.
So, what is CrossFit? It's not really a place, but a philosophy. CrossFit focuses on functional movements such as squats, pushups, and burpees, but the real fun is the olympic lifts. I've come to love picking up that barbell and slammin' some weight around! You get results because the WODs engage the entire body with challenging weight at high intensity.
I've been attending CrossFit at Brazen Athletics three times a week which I think is an appropriate frequency to learn the movements while allowing time for proper recovery and outside life. I've been impressed with the coaching as they review proper mechanics and form for every movement. This is absolutely crucial to avoid injury when performing exercises that involve significant weight.
So, do I think the $13-15 per session (depending on your package) is well worth bet! The personalized strength coaching and reasonable class sizes (10-20 participants) make for a great exercise experience. It will challenge your body, mind and the limitations you've set for yourself.
Have you tried a new sport or exercise routine recently that really lit your fire?