Runners: Physical Therapy NOT Just For Serious Injuries
How One Runner Incorporates Physical Therapy
Paige is one of our favorite patients of all time! She is an outstanding patient (commited, hard-working, optimistic and compliant), but more than that, she is fascinating. It's not everyday that we meet a runner, knitter, entrepreneur, designer, writer and more who makes us belly laugh and inspires us to embrace who we really are.
She's also a master at using her resources. Paige understands the value of using a coach/expert in different areas of life to keep her focused and moving forward. In PT, we do that literally. Instead of waiting until her pain gets out of control, she comes in for just a few visits to ensure a proper diagnosis, quickly resolve an issue and be directed regarding self-treatment. We love that!!
As I mentioned, Paige is also a talented writer. You can read her fantastic blog here
In other exciting news, Paige just launched a running apparel company that fittingly specializes in wool designs. Here is a sneak peak at some designs that will be available next fall:
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In her own words…
Three words to describe me...Quick-witted, Big-hearted, Loyal
What brought you to PT? I initially came to Iron PT to resolve a lingering hip issue. At that time I had been in PT (elsewhere) for over a month, but felt stymied and frustrated as there had been no improvement. I remembered seeing Dr. Mayes' blog through the Essex Running Club's website, liked what I saw, and figured I really had nothing to lose.
At my first appointment, Dr. Mayes did the most complete assessment I have ever had, either from an MD or any other health professional, and we got to work with a variety of strengthening and stretching exercises and then the dreaded GRASTON and ART therapies.
For this injury, I saw Dr. Mayes about twice a week for a few weeks, and sure enough, the hands-on therapies and the strengthening/stretching routines he prescribed kicked the injury to the curb.
How have you benefitted from PT?
I had always thought that PT was reserved for folks with very serious injuries or those recovering from surgery; I never considered it as something I could (or should) incorporate into my routine.
Ever since my hip injury, which required about a month of regular PT, I've used Iron PT when different areas flare up. I've learned to feel the difference between something I can work out for myself (with a foam roller, stretching, icing, and/or resting) and when I need something a bit more hands on. Dr. Mayes has helped me combat some stubborn tendonitis, IT Band issues, and most recently some bursitis in my knee, and I think he's been instrumental in my being able to train consistently.
When you're forced to take a break from your sport and training, there's a huge physical and mental void to fill. Rest can be hard, but being diligent with my PT helped me because it gave me goals and made that forced rest feel more productive.
What would you say to someone who has the same injury?
I am very vocal about including PT as part of recovery from any injury. Our body parts were meant to move, and PT helps them move better and correctly. I think PT is also a necessary tool when healthy. I continue to see Dr. Mayes when I am unable to work through a niggle satisfactorily--and I feel as though this has been so instrumental in keeping injuries at bay.
What are you most excited about getting back to? Running is my poison, and I had two goals for this year, a sub 2:00 half marathon and to remain injury-free. As the year finishes up, I'm happy to report that I've come really really close to both: I ran a 2:03 half marathon and have only missed about a week's worth of training runs with my most recent set-back (knee bursitis).
I think for the future, I'm going to step away from time goals and focus more on experiences. I'm involved with a group of relay runners, and I expect to take 2-3 trips with them in 2015. This doesn't mean I'm going to slack off in my training, though. This group is extremely speedy, and I really want to pull my own weight.